2021, year of resilience. Let’s make it happen!

Following a year in which uncertainty was one of the most common feelings in society, a new period begins in which the heart is able to overcome fear and strengthen (once again) the desire to have a child.

We look at 2021 as the year of RESILIENCE because it comes filled with love and personal growth. Despite the circumstances, it is the attitude that makes the difference between those who, despite the obstacles, do not stop dreaming, believing and striving.

Today we recognize the value of knowing how to wait and prepare our hearts to receive the blessing of becoming parents at the right time. Things don’t always happen when we want them to, and even less so when we demand what should happen in life. That’s why it’s important to learn to accept in order to transform the feelings that cause pain into opportunities to grow and BE RESILIENT.

Here we would like to share 5 tips to strengthen this feeling and stay alert in the face of any adversity:

⦁ Remember with love and gratitude every challenge you faced: be aware of every situation that led you to where you are today. Remember how strong you are and the persistence you showed in overcoming each obstacle in the past. This will help you to know that you are capable of everything and that each experience offers valuable lessons.

⦁ Don’t blame yourself for what happens: we often take everything that happens in our lives personally. We tend to question our actions and reproach ourselves for every decision, but it is time to free ourselves from feelings of regret or remorse and accept that there were clearly a number of factors that contributed to those situations; everything happens for a reason and every experience helps one  become a better person.

⦁ Rewrite your story: It is normal that we think about the future and plan what we want in life. However, it doesn’t have to mean that we continue with those plans in a straitjacket. It is important to allow ourselves to change the course of the story so that we may continue to be strengthened by each one of our lessons.

⦁ Be positive, don’t let your spirits be dampened: being optimistic does not mean ignoring reality or the difficult moment you are going through. A positive person allows him or herself to see the opportunity in the midst of such a difficulty, and looks to the future as a great opportunity to face each situation and transform the pain into an incentive to overcome it.

⦁ Face your fears, step out of your comfort zone: let life surprise you and help you strengthen your feelings and thoughts. Resilience is not only developed as a result of negative experiences, it is also forged by challenges, overcoming difficulties and perseverance.

A resilient person understands that they are the architect of their own joy and destiny. YOUR HEART IS RESILIENT! YOU ARE RESILIENT!


Our clinics INSER:

  • Medellín: Tel. +57(4) 268 80 00
  • Bogotá: Tel. +57(1) 746 98 69
  • Pereira: Tel. +57(6) 340 17 09
  • Cartagena: Tel.+57(5) 693 0434
  • Nuestros especialistas en Manizales: Tel.+57(6) 8962220



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