
¡We did it!

Once again, we have achieved the Global Healthcare Accreditation (GHA) for Medical Travel Services. This is a recognition of InSer’s commitment and excellence in providing an unparalleled medical travel experience. InSer’s commitment to excellence is strengthened by the accreditation from Global Healthcare Accreditation (GHA), a globally renowned leader in medical tourism and health tourism. At

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Logra tu mejor versión este nuevo año: 5 Hábitos Saludables para Mejorar tu Fertilidad.

Adoptar hábitos saludables puede marcar la diferencia en tu camino de fertilidad. El 2024 es tu año para tomar el control de tu salud reproductiva. Aquí tienes cinco consejos que te ayudarán a comenzar con estos. Antes de hacer cualquiera de los consejos mencionados anteriormente, debes consultarlo con tu médico de confianza. 1. Nutrición Consciente

Logra tu mejor versión este nuevo año: 5 Hábitos Saludables para Mejorar tu Fertilidad. Read More »

Five tips you should keep in mind if you are a man and want to take care of your fertility

In the field of reproduction, there is a lot of talk about female infertility, how to manage it, what treatments are available, and how to take care of it. But there is rarely a conversation about male fertility, which is a great question considering that 50% of the cases that reach InSer are due to

Five tips you should keep in mind if you are a man and want to take care of your fertility Read More »

To be parents from love

THE PLACE OF THE FAMILY TODAY Contemporaneity has brought with it transformations in society. Economic, political, and social aspects have changed, and therefore, the family has also undergone notable changes that reflect the conceptions of family. The great diversity of family structures that exists today, which is observed both in space and time, has forced

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Why are genetics so important?

It is important to understand the relevance of genetics as the scientifically based starting point for calculating the genetic load, which shows us the probability of developing a disease due to our genetic makeup. Human cells consist of 46 chromosomes. These consist of 2 sex chromosomes (X and Y) and 22 pairs of non-sex chromosomes

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Genética y fertilidad, una combinación clave en la búsqueda de embarazo.

La  genética cumple un papel fundamental en el proceso de buscar un embarazo. Te contamos las posibles causas genéticas de la infertilidad y qué tratamientos hay para prevenirlas. Cuando se habla de infertilidad, usualmente se piensa en factores como la edad materna avanzada, el deterioro en la calidad del semen, hábitos tóxicos en la pareja

Genética y fertilidad, una combinación clave en la búsqueda de embarazo. Read More »

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