Rights and responsabilities
At Inser, we are committed to respecting and ensuring the fulfillment of the rights and duties of the users/patients by continually striving for an excellent relationship among the Institution, the patients, and their families. That is why we adopted the following decalogue, which includes all our patients and their relatives in their human condition with no discrimination.
- To receive dignified, humane, and ethical treatment.
- To have their beliefs, race, political views, culture, and health condition respected without any discrimination.
- To have their medical history kept confidential and their privacy safeguarded during their experience at the institution.
- To receive safe, high-quality medical care from qualified personnel using advanced technology.
- To obtain all necessary information clearly regarding their diagnosis and treatment, including procedures, risks, prognoses, informed consents, and service costs.
- To decide on the participation of medical professionals in training during consultations and treatments.
- To freely choose the doctor who will attend to them.
- To request a second medical opinion.
- To receive accompaniment and warmth in care from the Inser family.
- To request a copy of their medical history, in accordance with the procedures established by the institution.
- To have the right to refuse or discontinue care.
- To express observations, complaints, claims, suggestions, congratulations, or opinions related to resolving conflicts and differences of opinion regarding their care.
- Provide truthful, clear, and complete information about your health status.
- Strive for the integral care of your health and well-being and the others involved.
- Comply with the norms and regulations of the Institution and the indications of the staff who provide the service.
- Treat the team in the Institution with dignity and respect the privacy of the other patients.
- Follow the schedule of the appointments and procedures and inform us in advance in the event you are unable to attend.
- Actively participate and be responsible for your own care and treatment process.
- Inform the medical staff or assistance staff about any adverse reaction that might appear during the treatment.
- Pay for services at the Institution promptly.