Preconceptional appointment

Suppose you and your partner have already decided it is time to have a baby. In that case, the first thing to do is go to a preconception appointment with a specialist in gynecology and fertility, as this health professional will analyze your case to launch this important life project providing solutions and alternatives for a safe and healthy pregnancy for both the mother and her baby.

What is preconceptional appointment?

A preconception appointment is to meet with a specialist in gynecology and fertility who analyzes the possible difficulties and risk factors that the couple has when conceiving a baby, focused on their medical history, illnesses, hereditary, psychosocial, and environmental factors, among others.

When the couple decides that it is the ideal time for a pregnancy, in the preconception appointment, all possible factors that may lead to a problem of infertility or a high-risk pregnancy will be analyzed.

Any couple planning to have a baby as a short- and medium-term project should attend a preconception appointment. In addition, this medical appointment is also helpful for women who wish to be mothers that present the following pathologies:

  • Medical problems like diabetes
  • Nutritional problems such as anemia or folic acid deficiency.
  • Contact with substances that may affect the baby as teratogens as tobacco, alcohol, or Warfarin.
  • History of RH isoimmunization or premature births.

Certain factors also need an early consultation, some of them are:

Irregular or painful menstruations, history of surgeries or abdominal infections, semen abnormalities such as low volume or abnormal color, and sexual problems in the couple.

Here the doctors will analyze the following factors:

  • Physical exam
  • Ultrasound
  • Diagnostic impression
  • Recommendations to achieve pregnancy.
  • Other tests may be included if necessary. 

The function of the preconception appointment is to clarify the doubts of a couple that wants to get pregnant. In this medical appointment, patients will receive medical advice on medical examinations and treatments that will have the function of broadening the initial diagnosis and suggestions on improving their lifestyle to achieve the long-awaited pregnancy.

The preconception appointment is the first step in achieving a safe and successful pregnancy.

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