Jorge Mario Rincón Guzmán


Jorge Mario Rincon is a physician and Urologist who graduated from the Institute of Health Sciences (CES).

He has taught at the University Pontificia Bolivariana, University de Antioquia, his alma mater in undergraduate and graduate courses.

He is currently a member of the Antioquia Society of Urology, the Colombian Society of Urology and the American Confederation of Urology.

During his career, which spans more than 18 years, he developed an interest in male infertility and has worked as a Urologist at Sura, Clínica Rosario, Urogine and CENDES of the CES University.

As part of his academic experience he has co-authored books including ” Fundamentos de Cirugía “Urología” CIB and Colección Cirugía – Volumen Urología de la Universidad de Antioquia.(” Foundations for Surgery” CIB and “Surgery Collection – Urology Volume” of the University of Antioquia). He has also participated in different studies on Urology that have been published in national journals.

From 2019 onwards, he joined the Institute of Human Fertility (INSER) as a fertility Urologist.

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