Juan Gabriel Martínez Lugo

Medical gynecologist Specialist in human reproduction

Gynecologist and obstetrician graduated from the University of Cartagena in the year 2009. At the end of his studies, he showed special interest in the management of infertile couples in his region, which is why he began his formal training in InSer Medellín in the year 2015. In this training, he acquired competences in the management of treatments of low and high complexity and training in laparoscopic surgery and hysteroscopic, obtaining thus the necessary competencies to give an integral management to the cases of infertility in its patients .

In the year 2017 he obtained the title of specialist in human reproduction, and from that moment, he initiated subspecialized consultation of fertility in the city of Cartagena. He is currently the medical director of the headquarters of InSer Cartagena, thus bringing advanced technology and expertise on the subject to the north Colombian coast.

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