Natalia Posada Villa

Medical and gynecologist specialist in human reproduction

Medical and surgeon graduated from the Institute of Health Sciences (CES) of Medellín in 1987. She obtained her degree as gynecologist and obstetrician at the same university in the year 1992. Her main topic of interest since the beginning of his specialization has been Human Reproduction.

Dr. Posada has had studies on assisted reproduction techniques at the Women´s Hospital Fertility Center and IVF Program of the Greater Baltimore Medical Center in the United States. On her return to Colombia, she was a founding partner of Inser, a pioneer in human reproduction and in Vitro fertilization techniques in Medellín since 1995.

Two years later, she traveled back to the United States to conduct a formal course in hysteroscopic and laparoscopic surgery with Dr. Camran Nezhat of Stanford University in California. On her return to Colombia, she worked as a laparoscopic gynecologist at the Prado Clinic and in Inser.

Moved by his eagerness for clinical and academic excellence, she travels back to the United States where she links to the endocrinology program of reproduction and infertility of the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics at Johns University School of Medicine Hopkins in Baltimore, Maryland, between the years 1999 and 2001. Her work there focused especially on the implementation of techniques for the cryopreservation of human ovarian tissue.

In the year 2002 she joined the Inser Medical Group again where she has played a very important role in the development of clinical and laboratory programs of assisted reproduction techniques. She currently holds the position of gynecologist and Director of the Assisted reproduction Laboratory of our institute.

In 2018, Dr. Posada is professor of the subspecialty in Reproductive medicine and the postgraduate course in gynecology and obstetrics at the Universidad CES de Medellín. In addition, she has published works in important international journals specializing in human reproduction issues, as well as having been a speaker at multiple congresses of her specialty. She is currently the director of the Regional Northeast of the Lara network.

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