The touch of an angel

We’ve struggled with infertility for more than a decade, we live in London and did several treatments in different clinics with no luck.

Doctor Juan Luis was our last hope, he helped a friend of mine at the age of 47 to conceive twins, on the first appointment he said let’s operate and look for endometriosis if you have then I will remove it and you should try naturally for few months, who says that ? It turned out my uterus had a bad formation, he fixed it and after the surgery we did one round of Ivf, taking into consideration we needed to come back to London it was a shock when the pregnancy test was positive, now seeing things in retrospective what really helped was his assurance and human touch, if you are sitting out here in the Uk or the Us don’t think it twice, go to Medellin, have a lovely holiday and let them help, they really are special. Don’t be alarm for their touch approach, they just want to make you feel they care.

Our pregnancy is developing nicely, I wrote the follow poem to thank Doctor Juan Luis for changing our lives

The touch of an angel

It took several years, several tears, many different doctors in different continents, several invasive procedures with very little success to finally meet you.

You were so kind, soft, sensitive, such a gorgeous soul, who just wanted to make our dream of becoming parents a reality, we will always have you in your hearts as the person who make us believe and forever changed our lives, to us you are a little angel God sent to us when we were losing hope.


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